The information below has been gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Read the full occupational outlook on Occupational Safety and Health Technicians by visiting the BLS website.
What Occupational Health and Safety Technicians Do?
Occupational health and safety technicians collect data on the health and safety conditions of the workplace. Technicians work with occupational health and safety specialists in conducting tests and measuring hazards to help prevent harm to workers, property, the environment, and the general public.
Work Environment
Occupational health and safety technicians work in a variety of settings, such as offices, factories, and mines. Their jobs often involve considerable fieldwork and travel. Most work full time.
How to Become an Occupational Health and Safety Technician
Occupational health and safety technicians typically enter the occupation through one of two paths. Some technicians learn through on-the-job training; others enter with postsecondary education such as an associate’s degree or certificate.
The median annual wage for occupational health and safety technicians was $49,960 in May 2017.
Job Outlook
Overall employment of occupational health and safety technicians is projected to grow 8 percent from 2016 to 2026, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Technicians will be needed in a wide variety of industries to ensure that employers adhere to both existing and new regulations.