Hazardous Materials training

Grant Funded Training

Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program, Military Initiative

The Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program (HWWTP-Military Initiative) is a major component of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP). The National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education, NPETE is the awardee for the grant with Barton Community College being a sub-awardee. The HWWTP – Military Initiative, through its awardees, provides model occupational safety and health training for active duty, family members (ID card required), Guard/Reserve  and Veterans that are located in the United States.  

For more information about this program and class schedule visit:  NIEHS HWWT Program Page 

PLEASE NOTE:  Per the Office of Training and Education at OSHA we are currently unable to offer training to offer training to anyone currently living overseas.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Check out the grant-funded training opportunities below! 

2024-2025 Training Schedule

14-16 August 2024 Zoom MST OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics https://forms.office.com/r/MhuURpCVLA
This class is FULL - waitlist only!
26-29 August 2024 Zoom PST OSHA #3095 Electrical Standards https://forms.office.com/r/frAAbhRtQY
This class is FULL - waitlist only!
16-19 September 2024 Zoom EST OSHA #2015 Hazardous Materials https://forms.office.com/r/SEwR0hFcYC
This class is FULL - waitlist only!
1-4 October 2024 Zoom PST OSHA #521 Guide to Industrial Hygiene Check back for a registration link!
9-11 October 2024 Zoom EST OSHA #3115 Fall Protection Check back for a registration link!
21-25 October 2024 F2F Fort Sill, OK 40-hr HAZWOPER Training Check back for a registration link!
4-8 November 2024 F2F Fort Riley, KS 40-hr HAZWOPER Training Check back for a registration link!
25-27 November 2024 Zoom EST OSHA #3015 Excavation, Trenching & Soil Mechanics Check back for a registration link!
2-5 December 2024 Zoom CST OSHA #510 OSH Standards for Construction Industry Check back for a registration link!
9-12 December 2024 Zoom CST OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSH Standards for Construction Check back for a registration link!
27-30 January 2025 Zoom MST OSHA #511 OSH Standards for General Industry Check back for a registration link!
3-6 February 2025 Zoom MST OSHA #501 Trainer Course in OSH Standards for General Industry Check back for a registration link!
18-20 February 2025 Zoom MST RMSM #6010 Safety, Health & Environmental Risk Principles Check back for a registration link!
24-28 February 2025 F2F Fort Riley, KS 40-hr HAZWOPER Training Check back for a registration link!
26-28 March 2025 Zoom PST OSHA #2045 Machinery & Machine Guarding Standards Check back for a registration link!
7-11 April 2024 F2F Fort Carson, CO 40-hr HAZWOPER Training Check back for a registration link!
19-21 May 2025 Zoom EST OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Training Check back for a registration link!