Barton Community College's Environmental Health and Safety Program maintains membership in the following environmental protection and educational organizations. These organizations strive to improve and standardize environmental health and safety education throughout the nation.
The Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute (HMTRI) is a provider of environmental health and safety curriculum and training. The institute was established by the Eastern Iowa Community College District in Davenport, Iowa, and Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
The Community College Consortium for Health and Safety Training (CCCHST) is a model worker training program recognized and supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). The consortium, sponsored by HMTRI, is a provider of environmental health and safety curriculum, education and training and is the only community college-based NIEHS program in the nation.
The National Environmental Safety & Health Training Association (NESHTA), is a non-profit international organization of environmental, health and safety, and other technical training professionals. Activities central to NESHTA's educational services include its support for trainer networking, professional development and competency certification for its members, EH&S training information and programs for industry, and development of training competency standards.
The Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (PETE) is a cooperative effort directed toward the enhancement of science, mathematics and technical education, including environmental science and technology. This has been recognized as a national priority by government, industry, and the academic community. In an effort to address this need, PETE was established as a non-profit organization designed to link the technical resources of the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautical Space Administration Laboratories, the National Science Foundation, federal and state agencies, private industry and professional societies with participating community and technical colleges. ISO 14000 is the international standard for environmental management systems, and PETE is an ISO 14000 training participant.
ATEEC's mission is the advancement of environmental technology (ET) education through curriculum development, professional development, and program improvement in the nation's community colleges and high schools.